Book Review: “The Church: A Guide to the People of God"


“The Church: A Guide to the People of God"

Published by Lexham Press, 2024.

On page 1, Brad East lays out the aim of the book. He writes, “The Bible tells the story of God and His people. This book is a very small window into that story. By the time you finish it, I want you to know this story inside and out.”

An ambitious plan, especially for only 156 pages worth of space. And yet, as I reflect back after completing the book, I have got to say, I really think East accomplishes what he sets out to do. Whether people “know the story inside and out” after their reading is out of East’s hands. But the part that is his, the laying out of the story of God and His people, he does, and he does with excellence.

In tracing the story of God’s people through the Bible, East lets Scripture itself define the Church, the marks of the Church, the mission and ministry of the Church, the unity of the church and so much more. He does not include many if any illustrations or quotations. He just lets Scripture speak. The result is a feeling of being saturated with God’s Word, and a clear realization of just how fiery and incandescently God loves His church.

For anyone unfamiliar with or needing a refresher on the central place of the Church in God’s redemptive story, this is an essential book. And not surprisingly, since it is apart of the Christian Essentials series.

With ascetically pleasing packaging, as well as and more importantly, biblically rich content that is easy enough to follow for even the newest believer, I am sure this will be a book that I hand out again and again.


The Church as the People of God

What is the church?

I grew up in a Christian family, and so the language of the church was all around me. And as far I understood it the church was a building, and it was a service. It was a literal place I went to and a weekly event I attended. This definition served me well up until eventually I started to look through scripture and realized that were no mentions of church strictly as a service or a building. Obviously, this realization was perplexing, and so I searched the scriptures even more, asking, “Well ok, what is the church then if not a service and a building?” But this new question brought me another realization, that the Bible actually never says, “This is the Church…” A clear definition is never given. Though that is not say that God is silent on the church. He is anything but silent. He just speaks about in ways that are slightly more hidden or that require a closer look.

There are really two main ways that God speaks about His church in the New Testament: marks and metaphors; this is what the Church is like, and these are the marks or the fingerprints that church must have. So, I want to look briefly at some of those marks and metaphors, though before I do that I will try to give a simple and biblical definition of the church. The New Testament word that we translate as church is the Greek word ekklesia, which just means assembly or legislative body. It is a people or group with shared beliefs and/or a common identity. When it comes to the Christian body then, we ought to ask “What is the common identity? What is it that unites these people?”

In Ephesians chapter 5, speaking to husbands about the treatment of their wives, Paul brings up the church for his analogy and he says, “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” If we are looking for what unites Christians, there it is, Christs sacrificial love. In other words, the church is a gathering of people who have received what Christ gave up, namely himself. Or to say it another way, the church is the community of the redeemed.

If that is an accurate description, which I am convinced it is, then the church is even bigger than we could imagine. It is everyone who has been redeemed over all places and all time. It is a universal community. Still God seemed to have in mind that this community of redeemed people would also exist in smaller, local contexts. So, in Romans as Paul is giving his final greetings, he tells his recipients to greet Prisca and Aquila, and the church that meets “in their house” (Romans 16.5). Likewise, in his letter to the Colossians he says, “Give my greetings to the brothers3 at Laodicea, and to Nympha and the church in her house” (Colossians 4.15). Clearly, from the beginning then the church was a universal group of believers, and a local gathering of believers. Christians were spiritually connected as brothers and sisters across the known world and yet they also belonged to a local group of Christians with whom they could live out the metaphors and marks of the church.

The People of God

There are at least 96 metaphors in the New Testament saying essentially, “This is what the Church is like.” From those 96 just take one, The People of God.

Listen to the language of 1 Peter, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” (1 Peter 2.9-10). What stands out to me as I read that passage is the claim God makes upon Christians. He calls them, “A people for his own possession,” and then ends by telling them directly, “You are God’s people.” It stands out particularly because I have heard the language spoken before, but spoken about Israel.

In Exodus 19 God gives this conditional promise to Israel, “If you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine” (Exodus 19.5). In Deuteronomy Moses says something similar to them, saying “For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth” (Deuteronomy 7.6). In both references God’s promised blessing to Israel, if they would walk in obedience to Him, is that they would be His people. Now stop for a second and think of what that means, that they would be His people. It does not mean that He was going to make a bunch of individuals that belong to Him separately. No, it means that He was going to make them into a community that belonged to him, into a people group that was His, like a tribe or a nation. God was going to make Israel into a tribe or a nation that would be for His own treasured possession.

Think also about what it means that they would be His people. What does it mean to belong to God? Don’t overthink it. What does it mean for a husband to say to his wife, “You are mine.” It is not suppose to be an oppressive or objectifying statement. Instead, it says, “I will be your home. I will protect you. I will care for a nurture you.” It is a statement of cherishing. When God promises Israel that they will be His own people that is exactly what He is expressing. If you doubt that just listen to how God speaks of Israel in other places in the Old Testament. “But you shall be called, ‘My delight is in Her’” (Isaiah 62.4). “He kept them as the apple of His eye” (Deuteronomy 32.10). What a thing then to be called God’s people!

As it would happen Israel disobeyed and failed over and over to keep God’s covenant, and so judgement comes. Still, even in the midst of judgement, God does not forget about His people. He promises them through the prophets that He will have mercy and that He will one day restore them. Jeremiah 31 reads like this, “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (Jeremiah 31.33).

The New People of God

And then Christ comes, and He dies on the cross. And in His death, He wipes away sin. He brings forgiveness. But it is not just to make a bunch of individually forgiven and separated people. He substitutes Himself in the place of sinners to recreate and reclaim His people, and this time in a way that their failure will never cut them off from Him again. So then out of Christ and through the cross comes this renewal of Israel as God’s own people again, only this time it doesn’t stop with Israel, it is worldwide. It is everyone, every tribe, tongue and nation who trusts in Christ’s sacrifice. They are incorporate into God’s people, so that the apostle Paul, referring to the gentiles, can quote the prophet Hosea, ““Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people’” (Romans 9.25).

This is the Church then, the fulfillment of the promise that Israel would be His people again. This is what Christ died to create, a new Israel. A people who can once again be called the apple of God’s eye.

Now isn’t that so different then the idea that the church is a building or a service?